Annuals · Family · Flowers · Health · Indoor

February 2017 To-Do

February To-Do List 1. Make rosemary cookies 2. Go to Garden Expo 3. Vacuum indoor houseplants with garage vac 4. Write hits and misses from 2016 for school garden and personal garden 5. Write more blog posts to share ideas with as many peeps as possible 6. Scour gardening catalogs and magazines–favorites: Jung’s, Seed Savers,… Continue reading February 2017 To-Do

Health · Ornamental Grasses

Bringing the George Costanza Fanny Pack Back from the ’90s

So, what’s a gardener who gardens for her profession, passion and lifeline to do when she discovers she has a pretty severe allergy to bees? A.  Have a panic attack, or several? B.  Have a nervous breakdown? C.  Have a midlife crisis? D.  Become a total shut-in, an agoraphobic? E.  Never go outside again? F.… Continue reading Bringing the George Costanza Fanny Pack Back from the ’90s