Flower Share

Enjoy weekly organic bouquets of flowers! It will start with peonies, tulips, hyacinths, and alliums, followed by White Flower Farm Strawberry and Cream Lilies, Stargazer Lilies, Casa Blanca Lilies, Limelight Hydrangeas and Annabelle Hydrangeas. Also, expect loads of different colors and varieties of Dinner Plate Dahlias, gladiolus, sunflowers, snapdragons, bells of Ireland, zinnias and more.

Each Flower Share membership will include 2 vases.  Flower bouquets will be in a vase of water, vases to be swapped out each week, similar to the CSA boxes. You may pick up your flowers Mondays from 4-7 p.m. or Thursdays from 4-7 p.m.  Delivery available.

When you’re ready to sign up, please print out the following form and mail it back to me with your payment.

Fall $650, September 22nd to December 15th

Winter $650, December 22nd to March 16th

Spring $650, March 23rd to June 15th

Summer $650, June 22nd to September 14th

Print the signup form

Questions? Email me!